Make Memories at Salvation Army's FREE Youth Camp!

Make Memories at Salvation Army's FREE Youth Camp! 
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Discover your potential with a overnight summer camp experience for youth and teens! Camp Tecumseh, located in Alexandria New Jersey, offers a safe, Christ-centered adventure for spiritual, physical, and emotional growth.

Youth Camp is The Salvation Army’s 5-day summer camp program open to any child age 7-17! Campers live in cabins with other kids their age, enjoy nutritious meals in the Dining Hall, and participate in all the fun activities and traditions of summer camp!  There’s no better way to make new friends, develop life-changing skills, experience the peace and beauty of nature, and learn more about God!

Teen Camp is a special session just for campers ages 13-17.  Teens who have applied and been accepted into our Junior Staff Program, called TAG – Teens After God – will receive staff training during this session in addition to being able to participate in all the fun camp activities!

Every Youth Camp Session is open to teenagers 13-17, who will participate in a special Teen Track focused on Spiritual Growth, Leadership Development, and Team-Building with the fun and intensity you can only find at Camp!

Program Activities are fun camp experiences that youth and teens will have a chance to explore at least once during the week with their cabin groups!

Activities include Animal Farm, Athletics, Camp Fire Skits, Hiking, Swimming, and so much more!

Each week, campers sign up for a Club that they will be part of all week long! Clubs can change from week to week depending on the Camp Session’s theme.

Past Clubs include Archery, Drama, Farm, Swim Lessons, Photography, and so much more!

Making friends is an important part of the camp experience, and with the help of their counselors, children learn and practice their friend-making skills and improve social skills.

Youth Camp for Ages 7-16:
1)    Camp Session 3 | 07/8 - 07/12
2)    Camp Session 4 | 07/15 - 07/19

Teen Camp for Ages 13-16:
1) Teen Camp | 06/24 - 06/28

Apply Online & Upload All Documents by May 3rd, 2024.

The camp is free with only a $15 camp application fee.

To apply go to:
New Campers:
Returning Campers:

Camp Tecumseh
For more information visit the Camp Tecumseh website at:

Camp Tecumseh
445 Mechlin Corner Rd
Alexandria, NJ 08867

Make Memories at Salvation Army's FREE Youth Camp! Frenchtown New Jersey
Make Memories at Salvation Army's FREE Youth Camp! Frenchtown New Jersey

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